I've always loved mushrooms to eat. Yummy. Can't go a meal without them. So it was a logical step to look for cute items that represent this love. Naturally, I fell in love with toadstools and their whimsical connotations. Perhaps they are little creatures with big red, spotty hats on.
This toadstool was made by my brother-in-law from my nephew's Play-Do and I enjoyed it so much I took it home and vowed to make little crochet ones...
.... and that's just what I did. Maybe they could be keyrings or Christmas decorations. At the moment I have two hanging from my stag antlers on my craft room wall. They are super cute and have led to many other toadstool inspired creations, one of which is still in progress and the other can be found below...
For Christmas, Dave gave me the Cath Kiddston mushroom print fabric and I have gone wild with it (pun intended- wild mushroom? Too loose? I enjoyed it) I started with the mini crochet amigurumi toadstool in red and it led to a crochet blanket in chunky cream wool, which needed jazzing up. I added the fabric trim and I believe it's made a truly unique piece.
I think it was a craft show on TV or Kirstie reruns that made me get the sewing machine out again; enter the cushion cover, which has a zip - clever, I know. Look at the photo below of the set I created.
I am so pleased with that I want to recreate this with all sorts. For example, make an amigurumi frog, crochet a green blanket and trim with froggy fabric and sew a froggy print cushion cover. Great for baby showers and older children and adults too. I'm too in love with the mushroom print to give this away so it has pride of place in my lounge.
I think a piggy theme may follow...
Keep crocheting!
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