I'll admit, I've become pretty carried away with these Peter Pan Collars. I found the video on YouTube by Yolands Sotto Lopez and found them so quick and easy to make. I'm even trying to sell them now but no one really wants one- I've sold one and that was to Mum. I suppose I just need to find something that people really want to buy. But in the mean time I still have a million collars and I still love them! And the chunky shawl ones: Like I said, I really love them, but they aren't translating on camera. I am an awful photographer mind you. Anyway, I'm make up less, joggers-full and wet haired. I nee to get to Weston super Mare for lunch time so it's time get going. I know my fan base find my blogs enthralling, but you'll have to wait til nex time to find out what other crochet stuff I've been making for others to find unattractive. Did that even make sense? I can't even write anymore. Keep crocheting!